Module 4: Game Searches

Schedule and Projects

Length of Module

  • This module is a week and a half long

Project 2

  • Remember Project 2 is due one week into this module – due Sep 29

Project 3

  • On week 2 of this module, you will start Project 3, which focuses on adversarial search 

Week 1 (Sep 24 – Oct 1)

  • Work on Project 2 throughout the week
  • Complete Topic 1 by Tuesday
  • Complete Topic 2 by Thursday (if hybrid, complete before class)
  • Finish Project 2 by Friday
  • Don’t forget bug reports to the #bug-reports channel!  First to find & post verified bugs in the module gets extra credit!

Week 2 (Oct 2 – 8)

  • Begin Project 3 
  • Complete Topic 3 and 4 by Monday 
  • Complete Topic 5 by Wednesday
  • You can start the next Module on Thursday but you can also take the fall break as a real break and start the next module on Monday!